Before I touch upon the focus of this article, I want to share an interaction I had recently.
I just experienced the most beautiful consult with a patient of mine for eight years. Her cancer keeps coming back all the time. She has gone through 70 chemo cycles. And yet when she comes to me, she’s always smiling, she’s radiant. She has this beautiful hair that goes away during her chemo cycles and regrows quickly. She’s nothing short of a miracle, and always leaves me with a feeling of deep humility – more grateful, inspired, and motivated to serve every time we have a consultation.
One thing that I have noticed among new clients that come to me is how differently all of them respond to similar diagnoses. While I meet and speak with people from all walks of life, why is it that some find it harder to heal? The answer lies in your attitude towards life.
Are Pride and Arrogance in Your Way?
It’s very easy to get blindsided by ego and arrogance, it happens to the best of us. However, if you think about it, these are all coping mechanisms to protect our imperfections and fallacies from being criticized. So we put up a front, even when diagnosed with illnesses that we couldn’t comprehend would happen to us. We act entitled to be served by others and expect to be healed instantly.

However, it is this very attitude that blocks our blessings.
It creates resentment and resistance. It makes you look down on the sufferings of others and creates apathy. Healing begins from a place of deep surrender and humility. We don’t control everything and that’s the reality. The second you stop fighting your diagnosis and arrive at a place of acceptance, you start to move toward healing.
With humility comes wisdom; when we’re in a state of humbleness, we’re open to learning. We’re connected to the Divine, the infinite wisdom that helps us to evolve, change, grow, and heal. It also helps us see the obstacles we put into our own paths – in our lives, relationships, and our process of getting healthier.
When you’re in a state of ego, you never heal or get better, because it tells you that you’re always right, and everyone else is wrong. It also makes you feel entitled and that everything must go your way. But such an ego trip is an indicator of an unsuspecting emotion- grief.
Negativity and The Stages of Grief
Now think about this and reflect on it for a few minutes. Are you familiar with the five stages of grief? Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, all have something to teach and show up in a multitude of ways.
- Denial may surface as entitlement and ego
- Anger shows up as perfection and contempt
- Bargaining leads us to anger and rage
- Depression moves to avoidance and apathy
- Acceptance causes humility and grace
When you’re diagnosed with any life-altering disease or adversity, this is the natural response of anyone. However, it is up to us how long each stage lasts. You can be frozen in a state of pride and arrogance. Or if you are self-aware and empathetic towards your experience, you can be graceful and start with acceptance that you feel grief – towards your health, the changes to come, and more.

You don’t have to put yourself through needless suffering. Such strong emotions have an impact on your nervous system, gut regulation, digestion, and peace of mind.
We may not know when things change for us, but getting stuck in the cycle of arrogance and pride is easy.
Pride and Arrogance Keep You Holding on to Resentment
How do pride and arrogance manifest? It comes from a feeling of superiority over others. But you don’t have to look down on people and keep yourself on a pedestal. If you keep looking down, you can’t look up. What is up above? Some people believe it’s God, others believe in divine guidance or intuition. Some look towards the vast skies for inspiration.
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Pride also comes in the way of forgiveness. I’m not saying that forgiveness is easy, but studies have shown that such repressed emotions cause several diseases today. Again, I am not talking about extreme injustices and wrongdoings. But think about everyday happenings where holding on to the knives that hurt us causes us more harm than good. Staying in this emotional space of resentment is one of the fastest routes toward inviting illness and adversity to your doorstep.
Forgiveness as a Way of Healing Faster
For those who are not well-versed with the metaphysical, every emotion we exude has a frequency that our bodies are constantly vibrating with. When you cultivate emotions such as humility, forgiveness, positivity, and faith, you vibrate at a higher frequency. Conversely, the opposite happens when you feel pride, jealousy, ego clashes, anger, and unforgiveness.

What’s more, you attract more of the frequency you vibrate at. For example, if you’ve worked on your suppressed emotions and find acceptance and peace with situations beyond your control, the same feeling of peace follows you throughout your day. You feel more in control of your emotions and can take any unfavorable situation in stride. Similarly, if you adopt a negative attitude at the start of your week, why is it that the rest of your days are spent over petty things that rile you up so easily?
Why is it that being negatively hung up on one diagnosis leads to many other illnesses? It keeps us stuck in victim mode, dulling our fighting spirit, as opposed to being a survivor.
How the Right Attitude Can Heal
They say attitude is everything…Is your attitude getting in the way of healing?
Here’s a life-changing exercise I want you to try. It has three simple steps. If you relate to the traits mentioned below, I want you to replace them with better descriptions that will help you build an attitude of grace.
Replace the words:
- Perfectionism with excellence
- Self-confidence with being grounded
- Self-esteem with being dignified
By changing your vocabulary, you also program your mind to create more space for grace.
Acts of Service: The Ultimate Sign of Humility and Grace
“The human experience is a powerful one; we don’t choose what happens to us, but we can always choose how we respond (not react) to it.”
– Luke Coutinho
Do you want to cut through the noise and arrive at a place of grace? Cast aside you provide an arrogance to be recognized, appreciated, or sympathized with. Leave behind the mentality of being either on a pedestal or a victim of life. Instead, assume a state of service. If you come from a position of power, how can you use it to serve others?

Don’t think everyone must serve you because you are the breadwinner or hold seniority. Instead, ask how you can serve others and light up more lives with the gifts bestowed upon you. Start by thinking of ways to lessen the burden of those around you. Since charity begins at home, start with your family members. Ask your partner, parents, kids, siblings, and friends what ails them.
When you are of service to others, you also embody humility and responsibility, traits of all the great leaders we look up to. Where pride disconnects and isolates, acts of service bring you closer to your tribe. You receive more blessings and abundance. You begin to heal and find peace through forgiveness. You open up to the sufferings of others and find gratitude for what you have. This is how manifestation becomes stronger. You can put yourself on the path of healing.
Now, I’m not saying don’t take your medication, please apply common sense. Always listen to your doctor and follow the prescription. However, try doing these while you’re on your course of treatment. You will see a visible difference in how your body responds to medication more actively.
How Can You Start to Change?
It doesn’t matter who you are, and how you have been so far. If you think you’re too deeply stuck in such feelings, it’s never too late to turn a new page. Start small and turn inwards. Offer yourself kindness, forgiveness, and acceptance first. Most times, such emotions are a defense against what we are really feeling.
Do you feel defeated and lonely by your diagnosis? Do you feel angry about how you were treated like a doormat? All of these emotions arise from a space of hurt. Give yourself the grace to deeply feel these emotions of hurt, and then let it go. Don’t hold on to them too tightly, you need to move on for your betterment.

Life has a way of humbling us all, it can happen to any of us. However, humility is the medicine we all need to heal on a cellular level. This opens doors to breaking years of toxic cycles (compromised immunity), healing generational trauma (hereditary diseases), or unresolved or repressed emotions (autoimmune diseases).
Final Word
This is the power of the humility factor and how letting go of pride can change everything. You set a domino effect of events that lead you to a space of acceptance and grace, giving yourself the permission to heal. This is the divine intelligence present within all of us; our body already knows what it needs to start healing. You can do your part by working on the Five Pillars of Lifestyle, two of which are at the forefront of this subject.
Spiritual wellness and emotional Health are the two pillars of lifestyle that can help you move forward. When these pillars are activated with meditation and mindfulness, you can reap the benefits with compounding effect. For instance, your body will be more receptive to absorbing deep cellular nutrition, helping you heal better as you sleep. As a result, your workouts will show better results by strengthening your physique and immunity. When you feel healthy, you automatically feel empowered, happy, and grateful.
So, are you ready to feel lighter and at peace? Drop into a humble and service-oriented mindset; let go of hurt, pride, and anger to watch everything change for the better.
Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more joyful life?
Start small, with one manageable change today.
Know more about our Emotional Wellness Program here.
Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at
1800 102 0253 or write to us at [email protected].
Disclaimer: Always make an informed choice. Keep your healthcare provider in the loop before trying anything new, especially if you are going through a medical condition or are on medications.
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