Welcome! This course is on A Guide To and Through Pregnancy by Luke Coutinho.
Description: This session is straightforward and easy to comprehend and apply. The course will guide you through the journey, starting from planning conception to navigating through the different phases of pregnancy. It covers everything from acknowledging the growing fetus inside the womb to adjusting to parenthood after the baby's arrival, all intricately interconnected. During the course, Luke will cover several aspects of pregnancy and explain how your thoughts, mindset, and emotional health can have a huge impact on your baby and relationships. The lifestyle guidance provided in this course can be practiced by anyone young or old.
What you will learn:
Who this course is for:
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Disclaimer: This is not a replacement for any medicine, treatment, or medical advice. Please make an informed decision before trying anything new and keep your healthcare provider in the loop.