Surbhi promotes sustainable health through a personalized approach to skin, liver, diabetes, cholesterol, weight management, Parkinson’s, and gall bladder issues. She is passionate about normalizing healthy eating and providing nutrition tailored to every individual’s needs, goals, and health conditions. Known for her kindness, empathy, and motivational skills, Surbhi has earned the admiration of her clients for her exceptional support and dedication.

Education & Certifications

  • Masters in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Postgraduate degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

In the past, I’ve worked as a nutrition coach with reputed companies for 2 years and helped clients achieve their health goals and become fitter. I have also been associated as a dietician with a reputed hospital in Hyderabad, for a year and assisted patients in their health journey. I have submitted a thesis and published a research paper on “Consumption of Trans fat among adolescent girls and boys of Hyderabad”. Lastly, I have interned online with food Healthcare and Technologies Society and Dr Ashish Joshi for 1 month and published a paper on Hypertension and apps available on Hypertension with them.

In summary, I’m passionate about nutrition and driven by a holistic approach to health as a whole. I’m always eager and excited to work with clients and handhold them in their journey towards health and wellness.

I speakEnglish, Hindi

“I tried going on a diet plan to gain weight before by myself using an app, which didn’t work. After that, I started getting help from you, I am happy with the progress I have made. It was nice that you didn’t make major changes to my diet. I still get to have the food I’m used to, and it’s not too much for me either. I also made it a habit to exercise now, and it feels great. It’s all great as a whole. Thank you so much!”

“Hi Surbhi,
I am very glad to inform you that I have lost 9 kg in the last 45 days. The transformation is phenomenal, and I feel extremely healthy and fresh every day. It was the first time in my life that I put myself on a diet, and during the entire process, I never felt restricted. In fact, I felt I was eating more than I used to eat. Of course, I had to stop eating junk, but the result in my body is completely worth it. Thanks a lot for helping me at each step during my weight loss journey. Really happy and grateful.”

“Hi Surbhi,
Your diet plan is extremely effective and has given me amazing results. I have reduced by almost 6 inches, feeling light and energetic, and my face has a natural glow. Thanks a lot!”

“Keeping your body healthy is the best gift you can give yourself. Other things will eventually follow the good health.”