I spent time with two back to back patients with Alzheimer’s yesterday. The first thing we need to know is, yes, something can be done. The moment we believe that there is nothing that can be done, we accept a gradual downfall. There may be a downfall, but what if it can be slowed down? What if the quality of life of the patient can be enhanced?What if the intelligence of the body and brain takes over? The first step is having belief and hope that the person can get better. We have had Alzheimer cases come to us the last couple of years and today I am sharing some commonalities we have seen in people with Alzheimer’s and lifestyle changes that can be made.There is no magic drug, pill or food, so we have nothing to seek you but lifestyle changes that you lose nothing by making. These are our observations:

  1. Low levels of Vitamin B12 over the years in the patient’s history
  2. Sleep deprivation over the years
  3. Usage of curcumin with piperine coupled with a good fat like cold pressed virgin coconut oil or pure ghee or pure extra virgin olive oil (dosage will vary from person to person)
  4. Selenium in supplements form or via selenium rich foods like brazil nuts, eggs, chicken, beef, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, spinach, oats, dairy, bananas, etc
  5. Solving puzzles
  6. Listening to favourite music
  7. Getting kids especially to spend time with the parent.
  8. Family support, love, care and most importantly a feeling of security
  9. Checking B12 and D3 levels and getting them to the higher side of the spectrum
  10. A well-managed, low-carb, high-protein and high-fat diet
  11. Pranayama
  12. Taking about the past and allowing them to tell stories from their past
  13. Dark chocolate (>75%)
  14. Good quality black coffee
  15. Cutting refined sugar, dairy and wheat
  16. Love and empathy. Try not to take their behaviour or what they say personally
  17. Activity and movement in a safe way
  18. Sleep, sleep, sleep (cannot emphasize enough on this). All the healing happens during good quality sleep.
  19. Meditation and deep breathing
  20. Visualization
  21. Whole Foods and complete reduction in junk and processed
  22. Don’t cook in aluminium vessels (prefer cast iron, glass, non-glazed ceramic, pure steel and clay)
  23. Taking care of gut health (extremely important)
  24. Angiogenesis rich foods (dark chocolate, turmeric, green and black tea, matcha tea, cruciferous veggies, berries, pomegranate, lean protein, etc)
  25. If you believe its degenerative, then that’s how the body will follow. So, changing belief system is primary.
  26. Exercise daily if the patient can. Small intervals at a time is okay too, but move and if the patient can’t move, foot reflexology or simple pressing of the soles of the feet.
  27. Turmeric, black pepper and ghee or a good MCT – every morning
  28. Fresh fruits, veggies, soaked nuts and seeds, lean protein.
  29. Don’t give up! If we can’t heal, we can aim at improving the quality of life for the patient and all around.
  30. Keep stress levels low and don’t internalize emotions
  31. Prevention of course is best. Do all of the above for possible prevention too

Also, please watch the following relevant videos –
Episode 121 – How to Prevent Alzheimer & Dementia using Lifestyle – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wdQWlAXahvc&t=688s
Episode 254 – How to Improve Brain Health Using Lifestyle – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oDk-Qm_OhNM
Episode 363 – Lifestyle Change for the Health of your Brain – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g9_zp-mIjdE&t=123s
Episode 418 – Connection Between Sleep & Brain Health – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w7GVTOxFJco

– Luke Coutinho