What if you could shape your reality with just a pen and paper? So many of us live our lives based on what others say. Maybe it’s a doctor giving you a prognosis that you have six months to live, or a boss telling you that you’ll never be fit for a promotion. Perhaps it’s a loved one, unintentionally, making you feel small or incapable. We start to react to these voices, accepting them as our truth.

But here’s what I want you to know: you have the power to rewrite your own story. Writing the outcome isn’t just a way to vent or organize your thoughts—it’s an incredibly powerful tool to manifest the outcome you desire. It’s about you deciding how your life unfolds, not based on what others tell you, but on what you envision. It’s not magic, but it feels close to it when you see how powerful your mind can be when you use it to create the reality you truly want.

As I always say, “Who decides the outcome should always be first in your mind.”

Accept the Diagnosis, Rewrite the Prognosis

There’s a clear difference between diagnosis and prognosis. When someone receives a diagnosis—whether it’s cancer, diabetes, or any other condition—that’s a fact, something you need to accept. But the prognosis, the story of how things will play out, is yours to write. For example, someone diagnosed with cancer might be told they have only six months to live. That’s just one version of events. You have the power to change that prognosis and decide how you want to live each day, whether it’s focused on recovery, enjoying the present moment, or maintaining quality of life.

Think about it this way: you choose how to react. 

You can act according to someone else’s expectations, living in fear and resignation, or you can envision your own path, one where you take back control of your body, mind, and soul. No matter the diagnosis, don’t let it define your future. 

“The way your relationship with life is going to turn out is up to you.”

  • Luke Coutinho

Start by envisioning what you want. Visualize it, write it down, and believe in it. The key is not letting others dictate your outcome. You have the power to create your own path.

Applying This to Your Health, Career, and Relationships

You can apply this powerful practice to every aspect of your life—whether it’s your health, career, or relationships. Let’s break it down:

  • Health: Too many people accept their health conditions, like diabetes, obesity, or hypertension, as unchangeable facts. They tell themselves, “I’ll always be overweight” or “I’ll be on medication for life.” But what if you could rewrite that story? Imagine taking control of your health, envisioning a future where you manage your condition through diet, exercise, and mindset. Picture yourself as the healthiest version of you. Write the outcome. It’s about deciding that the story doesn’t end with the diagnosis. 

“Write the outcome of your health—what do you want? That becomes your focus, and that’s where change begins.”

  • Luke Coutinho
  • Career: How many of us feel stuck in our jobs, believing we can never break through the glass ceiling or make a meaningful change? Instead of accepting stagnation, why not write down the kind of career you desire? Focus on the qualities you want in your next job, the skills you want to build, and the person you want to become in that role. The mind works in powerful ways, and by clearly envisioning what you want in your career, you set the stage for opportunities to unfold. You can either live the expectations of others or take action toward your own vision.
  • Relationships: Even in relationships, whether with a partner, family, or friends, you have the power to change the narrative. Are you in a strained relationship? Write the outcome of kind of relationship you desire. Focus on how you want to show up in that relationship—whether it’s with more kindness, patience, or understanding. By shifting your mindset and actions, you influence the dynamic around you. It starts with what you create on that paper, and soon enough, it reflects in your reality. 
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Imagination is Your Blueprint

Think about it—everything we see in the world today, from the tallest skyscrapers to the tiniest gadgets, started with someone’s imagination. The power to create begins in the mind. Before anything exists in reality, it first exists as a thought, an idea, a vision. Your life is no different. The career you want, the relationships you dream of, the health goals you strive for—they all start in your imagination.

Imagination is such a powerful tool, and it’s yours to wield. Use it to create blueprints for your life. Start envisioning your ideal health journey—what would it look like if you were at your fittest? Or that career shift you’ve been thinking about—what steps can you imagine yourself taking? The same goes for your relationships—picture what a healthy, fulfilling dynamic looks like to you.

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Fear often holds us back, especially the fear of failure. If they stem from repressed emotions, this fear can also be layered with deep unforgiveness or anger. But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be perfect. You can start to undo years of negative emotions and start anew. The simple act of imagining your future and writing the outcome sets the wheels in motion. It makes the intangible tangible, and that’s the first step to making it real. 

 The Blessings Blueprint: Writing Your Past, Present, and Future

One of the most powerful ways to bring clarity into your life is by creating what I call the “Blessings Blueprint.” This simple yet transformative practice helps align your mindset with your goals, while shifting your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant.

“First, you create it in your mind. Then you create it in your life.”

  • Luke Coutinho

Writing the outcome you want is about acknowledging the blessings you’ve already received and are currently experiencing. By doing this, you create the space needed to manifest the outcome you want.

Step 1: Blessings in the Past

Start by reflecting on the blessings you’ve already received in life. Whether it’s good health, a supportive friend, or personal achievements, jot it all. These moments have shaped who you are today. Acknowledging them strengthens your foundation and reminds you how far you’ve come.

Step 2: Blessings in the Present

Next, take stock of what you have right now. It’s easy to get caught up in what’s missing, but writing down your current blessings—be it your health, career, or relationships—shifts your focus toward gratitude and abundance. This is the moment to acknowledge what’s already going right.

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Step 3: Blessings in the Future

Finally, write the blessings you want in your future. This is your chance to dream, to create the outcome you desire—whether it’s overcoming a health challenge, advancing your career, or nurturing your relationships. By putting it on paper, you’re setting your intentions into motion.

This practice is about reframing your mindset and keeping your focus on progress. Every blessing, whether from the past, present, or future, becomes something tangible, created by you, written by you, and ultimately lived by you.

The Daily Practice of Writing Your Desired Outcome

Let me tell you something—there’s real power in making this a daily or even weekly ritual. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated, but it needs to be intentional. Every day, take out a journal, sit down with a cup of tea, or just find a quiet corner where you can reflect. Start writing the outcome of what you want your life to look like—whether it’s your health, your career, or your relationships. This is about taking control, shaping your future, and setting your mind on the outcome you want.

I’ve been doing this for years. Every morning, I write about my day as if it’s already happened the way I want it to. It sounds simple, but it’s powerful. It sets the tone. I’ve had moments where my day seemed overwhelming—meetings stacked up, travel, patient consults—but when I sit down, put my pen to paper, and write the outcome of how smoothly it’s going to go, how I’ll get through it with energy and peace, it changes everything. Suddenly, I’m focused on the solution, not the problem.

Try it for yourself. Write down what you want in your health—maybe it’s feeling more energetic, overcoming fatigue, or even healing from a condition. Write down how your relationships should feel—more connected, more understanding. And do this consistently. The shift you’ll feel in your energy and mindset will surprise you.

How Writing Aligns Mind, Heart, and Action

Here’s the thing: writing isn’t just about getting your thoughts on paper; it’s about aligning your mind, your heart, and your actions. When you sit down to write the outcome of what you want—whether it’s better health, a stronger relationship, or a more fulfilling career—you’re organizing your thoughts in a way that connects deeply with your emotions. That’s where the real power lies.

Gratitude and Mindful breathing
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I remember one time, years ago, I was going through a really tough phase with balancing work and personal life. My mind was all over the place, and it felt like I was spinning in circles. That’s when I really started writing everything down in a reset journal—not just what I was stressed about, but how I wanted things to be. I wrote about having more peace, more balance, and more time for myself. I did this every day, and after a while, I noticed a shift. I wasn’t just thinking about what I wanted; I started making small decisions throughout the day that aligned with what I’d been writing.

That’s what happens when you write. You start focusing your energy on what matters, and naturally, your actions begin to follow. It’s no longer just about wishing for something—it’s about creating a roadmap for yourself and walking it, step by step.

Conclusion: Take Control, Write Your Own Story

At the end of the day, there’s nothing more empowering than realizing that you hold the pen to your own life. You’ve got the power to write your story, to decide the outcome, and to create the life you want. It’s easy to feel like life is happening to us, that we’re just reacting to what’s thrown our way—but what if we flipped that narrative? What if you could be the creator of your reality, not just the observer?

Every day is a blank page, and you have the opportunity to write the outcome you desire. Whether it’s your health, your relationships, your career, or just the way you approach life—why not start writing the outcome of the life you want? The power is already within you. You don’t need to wait for someone else to give you permission.

Start today. Pick up that pen and get clear on what you want. Imagine it. Write it. Feel it. And then, little by little, watch your reality unfold as you’ve scripted it. Your future is waiting for you to create it—there’s no better time than now.

Ready to take the first step towards self-mastery? 

 Start small, with one manageable change today. 

Know more about our book, Small Wins Everyday.  

 Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at
1800 102 0253 or write to us at [email protected].


Disclaimer: Always make an informed choice. Keep your healthcare provider in the loop before trying anything new, especially if you are going through a medical condition or are on medications.