If we look around today, we have the best doctors, hospitals, nutritionists, supplements, gyms, super foods and everything possible in the name of health care. Yet cancer is becoming an epidemic and the number of people afflicted with it is increasing at an alarming rate.  This is not just in India, but across the world. This data has been pulled out from all across the globe, not just India.  We handle cancer patients from Australia, Mexico, Vietnam, Russia, USA, Thailand, Japan and Taiwan as well. 

There is no doubt that the world we live in today is totally contaminated, right from the air we breathe to the food we eat, but apart from looking at external factors, we also need to look at internal factors and figure out the reasons as to why an intelligent and brilliant body like ours is succumbing to cancer at such a rapid rate.

Almost 97% of all the cases we have diagnosed and consulted with over the last year reveal some interesting trends and commonalities in these cancer patients.  Contrary to what most people believe, Cancer had little to do with obesity, exposure to chemicals, tobacco, alcohol and genetic mutations.  While they are certainly a cause too, there is something beyond that as well.

Following are the commonalities:

Chronic Constipation:

Constipation is not just another health issue, it’s a disease.  When you are chronically constipated, you tend to store toxic wastes into your system that is meant to be expelled out.  Particularly in women, when things get clogged up in the colon, estrogen (a female hormone) which is supposed to be passed out now gets backed up into our system producing Estrogen Dominant Cancers.  Toxic wastes also lower immunity and creates a perfect environment for either a gene to mutate or an already mutated gene to express itself.


Almost every health issues starts from Acidity.  Cancer cells thrive in acidic environments.  An acidic body allows a tumour to grow bigger and provides a breeding ground for almost all viruses, pathogens and bacteria.  Having said that, going overboard with alkaline foods is not healthy either. Our body needs to strike the right balance with acidic and alkaline foods to maintain an appropriate pH value.

Poor emotional health:

Almost every cancer case can be linked back to the events that took place in a patient’s life, 6 months – 12 months (or even longer) before they got diagnosed with cancer. Almost 97% of these cases could relate it to the extreme emotional distress they underwent during that time. Now this isn’t about day-to-day stress. This is about chronic stress thats been lingering for months and years within a patient.  For e.g. : a divorce , loss of a loved one , physical trauma , loss of a parent , financial issues , low self esteem and confidence issues .  All these stressors tend to eat us up from within. It gets even worse when these emotions stay trapped within us. Just like toxic wastes, toxic emotions need to vent out too.

On the other hand, we also see healing take place when these stressors are handled the right way, either through yoga, pranayama, meditation, visualisation, sharing, positive affirmations or gratitude practice.

Less Sleep:

Almost all cancer patients have slept less for majority of their life. Sleep is built in our bodies as a part of nature’s cycle.  When we fail to align with nature, we are bound to have health complications .When we sleep; we produce a hormone called Melatonin, which is also known as an Anti-cancer hormone.  While we sleep, melatonin helps boost immunity, the first and last line of defence, not just for cancer, but for any ailment.

These are the top four commonalities that we have seen in almost 97% of the cancer patients over the last couple of years, and the trend seems to be uniform even now.

The above 4 commonalities can arise because of the following conditions:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle: Not moving enough leads to weight issues, acidity, sluggish lymphatic drainage (hence toxic accumulation), constipation and feeling low most of the times as exercise stimulate production of feel-good hormones.
  2. Low water intake: Majority of health issues can be prevented just by drinking the right amount of water. Low water can mean low immunity, constipation, acidity, poor brain health and low energy levels.
  3. Toxic thoughts: Mind-body connection is real. Intense fear about the disease will manifest the disease, even if you have ruled out all the other lifestyle factors. You are what you think. Just like one cannot be angry without an angry thought or one cannot be happy without a happy thought, one cannot be sick without sick thoughts. Every thought manifests into something. In case of cancer patients, we see patterns of anger, irritability, fear, resentment, jealously, OCD properties, and unforgiveness. All these negative emotions cause negative stress, which in turn can mean acidity, poor gut health and every commonality as discussed above.