As you read this, millions of people around the globe are practicing and experiencing the miracles of fasting. Fasting (intermittent and dry) has existed for centuries across civilizations as a lifestyle and religious practice. It is about time that we bring its benefits to the larger world.

The difference between intermittent fasting and dry fasting is this. While in intermittent fasting, you are allowed to drink water during your fasting period, dry fasting involves no water or food. RELAX. We know the question that is coming next.

dry-fasting-benefitsHave you tried dry fasting? Photo Credit: Freepik

Will I be dehydrated? Will it create more health issues for you?

Now it is funny how most of us question a mechanism natural for the human body but will not bat an eyelash about the side effects of drugs like antacids, diuretics, painkillers, and so on that we pop like candy. But curiosity is a good trait, and it helps you make informed decisions.

Dry fasting can be detrimental to your health ONLY if you do it the wrong way. If you do not respect the building and fasting phase the right way – it can be harmful.

Remember this. Dry fasting is not a fad diet. Understand that every human body is unique. Maybe dry fasting will suit you or it won’t. If it suits you, go ahead and do it. If it doesn’t, find another way of living or lifestyle practice that does.

Almost every religion in the world advocates the benefits of fasting not just for physical, but also for emotional and spiritual health.

Unfortunately, most of us do not listen to the wisdom of our ancestors until these concepts are turned into a fad and packaged for the media to show transformational pictures of how someone got a six-pack or shrunk into a size zero.

What are some dry fasting benefits?

Here is a look at some dry fasting benefits:

dry-fasting-benefitsDry fasting slows down aging

There is no such thing as reversing aging, but there is something called anti-aging. Today, most people are aging faster than they should. It is why the cosmetic industry is at an all-time high. Many go under the knife to slow aging down. But we need to understand that anti-aging is an inside-out approach. What you feed your body will influence and impact how you look on the outside. You can keep lathering chemical-laden anti-aging creams and oils. But their effects will last you for 24 or 48 hours at max until you need to slap some more of these products.

Fasting improves your metabolism and boosts antioxidants that strike down free radicals and slow down aging naturally, giving you a youthful appearance. You also need to ensure that you nourish the trillions of cells in the human body, prioritize rest and recovery, sleep deep, boost circulation with exercise and manage your stress levels for anti-aging to be effective.

Scientific studies suggest that dry fasting is one of the most powerful anti-aging tools you can use. This form of calorie restriction done the right way can help increase longevity too.

dry-fasting-benefitsDry fasting helps cleanse your system

Fasting is powerful when it comes to cleansing your system. Your body already possesses the intelligence to incinerate and flush out toxins and waste it does not require naturally. And yet today, many people rely on fad cleansing diets. Learn more about our holistic Rejuvenation and Cleanse Program under You Care Wellness here.

Understand this. While 80 percent of your energy is used for digestion, absorption, and assimilation, only 20 percent is used for healing, repair, rejuvenation, and cleansing. Fasting gives your digestive system a much-needed break and focuses this energy to activate your innate cleansing intelligence.

Fasting is considered an impactful lifestyle change to boost immunity, strike a hormonal balance, and encourage stem cell regeneration.

dry-fasting-benefitsDry fasting encourages autophagy and stem cell regeneration

Dry fasting can self-generate and rejuvenate your cells. How does dry fasting autophagy work? Many of us carry a lot of sick and toxic cells in our bodies. When you dry fast, your body goes through autophagy and sacrifices sick and dying cells. When you get rid of these toxic cells, you create more space between your healthy cells allowing stem cell regeneration.

Stem cells are crucial for our immune system, recovery, growth, and other vital functions. It is why stem cell treatment has become a trillion-dollar industry. From treating burn victims to cancers, neurological disorders, and more, stem cells can play a massive role.

Your body naturally generates stem cells. Most of these are produced when we are born and are high in number when we are infants, children, and teenagers. As we grow older, the number of stem cells we produce reduces. The more stem cells you allow your body to produce, the healthier your immune system will be. Dry fasting, when done right, can boost your immune system and aid stem cell regeneration.

dry-fasting-benefitsDry fasting reduces inflammation

Dry fasting also activates the anti-inflammatory mechanism in the human body and reduces oxidative stress on your body. Most health issues we face today – cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, autoimmune conditions, and even cancer are inflammatory. We have lost count of the number of arthritic patients, those with spinal, back, cervical, and sciatica pains who message us saying their aches have disappeared. People with open wounds are experiencing healing after beginning to dry fast. This lifestyle change is inexpensive. You do not have to spend a single dollar, rupee, yen, or whatever the currency in your country is to practice it.

Don’t Turn Dry Fasting Into a Competition

All you need is effort, discipline, and common sense. Many people are trying to convert dry fasting and intermittent fasting into a fad. Others have turned it into a competition pushing their bodies to 16 hours and 20 hours to one-up their friends. Now understand that even if you do a minimum dry fast of 12 hours, you will experience its magic. No doctor or nutritionist can tell you how many hours your body needs to fast. Some people need 18 hours, while others need 16 hours. Even a 12-hour dry fast works beautifully for many.

If you have excess weight, you may need a longer fasting period to bring that magic through. But always listen to the signs of your body. Do not attach a number or fasting window. Some people may only do 8 hours, dilute the ninth hour the following day and then gradually work up to 10, 11, or 12 – one day at a time. You can build up further but pay attention to your body’s signals. Sometimes your body will tell you to break your dry fast after 12 hours, 16 hours, or 18 hours. Your body is constantly changing. So how can you have a fixed frame of fasting?

You are not smarter than your intelligently designed body. If you feel lethargic, fatigued, or experience constant headaches – these are symptoms it is giving you to break your fast.

We hope these dry fasting benefits can inspire you to give it a try.

Things to Keep in Mind While Dry Fasting

dry-fasting-benefitsPointers to keep in mind. Photo Credits: Freepik

  • If you are a kidney patient or have any organ-related disease, blood pressure, and blood sugar fluctuations, please try this under supervision only.
  • If you have a heart condition or palpitations or are exposed to heat and outdoor work, DO NOT dry fast. Please understand that there is a right time and place to practice dry fasting.
  • Dry fasting is not a replacement for chemotherapy, radiation, or any medication your doctor has put you on. Although if you practice this by keeping your doctor in the loop, there is a chance you can reduce or wean off your medication safely. We have cancer patients practicing dry and intermittent fasting under the supervision of experts and have experienced fantastic results.
  • If you have a medical condition, monitor your blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and other vitals while doing this fast.
  • Be careful of dehydration. Many people try dry fasting but then forget to drink water in the building phase. It makes their overall water intake very low, leads to dehydration, and is detrimental to health.
  • You do not need to dry fast every day. You can do it once a week, once in two weeks, or even once a month. It depends on your health and how much your body needs it. Some people have made it a lifestyle and practice it every single day.
  • If you go back in time, people finished their dinner at sunset because there would be no natural light after that. And they did not eat and drink until the next morning. So they seamlessly did 12 hours of dry fasting. Planning is key when it comes to dry fasting.
  • If you are overly stressed or experiencing anxiety and depression and think dry fasting is going to add to this burden, don’t do it.

Dry Fasting Comes With a Lot of Responsibility, Honor It.

You cannot practice dry fasting and intermittent dry fasting and forget to eat properly or drink water in the building phase. If you try to starve yourself in the building phase, thinking you will lose more weight, dry fasting or intermittent dry fasting will harm you. Honor the building phase (feed mode) and the elimination phase (fasting phase).

Breaking Your Fast the Right Way is Important

The right way to break your dry fast is to sit down and sip water slowly. Swirl this water around in your mouth, do not just gulp it down. Once done, you need to line your stomach with fruits. You can eat one or two fruits or even have dry fruits. 30 minutes later, you can start introducing other foods. The beauty of dry fasting is that practicing it reduces your appetite over time. It helps your body reset itself to the way it is supposed to be. It will help you feed your body just the amount it requires and not how much your emotional mind craves.

How Dry Fasting Curbs Cravings

Dry fasting works beautifully for those struggling to beat their caffeine and sugar cravings who are looking to normalize their appetite. But it is important that you eat clean in the building phase. In this phase, your cells are screaming for raw materials to boost your energy levels so it can keep your body powered through the elimination or fasting phase. So don’t try to limit yourself in the building phase. When we say do not limit yourself, it doesn’t mean you should overeat. Overeating will increase the pressure and stress on your digestive system. Eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains to get the right carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Follow balanced meals.

Long Story Short…

If you finish your dinner by 7 or 8 PM, start and continue your fast through the night and break it the following day. If your body starts giving you crazy hunger pangs, break your fast. You still have tomorrow to try it again. If you have emotional cravings out of habit, try to fight them with your willpower. But if it is physical hunger, don’t push yourself.

The beauty of dry fasting or intermittent dry fasting is you don’t need to push yourself. Every day could be different. If your body breaks your fast a little early today, break it a little later tomorrow. Stop comparing your dry fasting journey with others.

Don’t do 16 hours just because all your friends are doing it. You are unique, and so are the needs of your body. Comparison with others only brings you misery. You begin tagging your self-worth with what other people are doing and saying about you. You have unique bodies, cell structures, and metabolic, physical, and biochemical reactions.

Your Only Competition Needs to be YOU.

Ask yourself: Can I be better than yesterday? Can I be even better tomorrow?

Don’t turn this into a fad. Practice it with discipline and by understanding what your comfort levels are. Let us know if dry fasting helped you. To learn more about dry fasting grab a copy of our book – The Dry Fasting Miracle – from Deprive to Thrive.


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Luke Coutinho

Luke Coutinho practices in the field of Holistic Nutrition and Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine. He is the pioneer and founder of the You Care Wellness Program which has consulted and treated over 20,000 patients globally. This integrative lifestyle program revolves around five fundamental pillars - Cellular Nutrition, Adequate Exercise, Quality Sleep, Emotional Detox, and the Spirit. It has now stemmed into a beautiful community with over a million people. His free videos, blogs, challenges, and programs have helped people reverse lifestyle conditions, put cancers into remission, and overcome suicidal tendencies to live happier lives. Luke has authored four bestsellers and won several national and international awards. He is the Champion for Lifestyle and Wellness for PM Narendra Modi’s Fit India Movement. He is the founder of India's first ethical wellness platform, You Care Lifestyle, where all things are verified by Luke and his team. He is also the founder and chief program mentor for Integrative Nutrition and Dietetics courses at the Lifeness Science Institute (LSI). He travels the world to speak on holistic wellness and empower people to live their most extraordinary life.

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