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It is almost that time of the year when new satchels, textbooks, stationery, schoolwork, butterflies, and challenges make an appearance. It is time for yet another academic year and going back to school. The most common question by most parents remains, “How do I get my children to eat healthily? How do I wean them off the junk and processed foods?”

And as always, our answer remains the same.

Your children pick their eating habits from what they observe at home. Therefore, the best way to introduce them to healthier eating habits is by setting a strong example. And to do this, it is crucial for us to first equip ourselves with the correct knowledge of what immunity-boosting foods can contribute to their growth and overall development.

And we know that shuttling work, household chores, and reinventing meals to meet your children’s nutritional needs can be super-challenging for many parents, especially if your little ones are picky eaters. So, our meal planning experts at You Care have created a Back to School Kids Menu.

Simple, wholesome, nutritionally balanced, and kid-friendly, this menu has meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner – for all four weeks of the month. What’s more? It gives your little one the best of both worlds – Indian and International cuisine.

Download it today for FREE. Print and pin it to your soft boards. Plan your schedule and create a rainbow plate for your child with every meal.

This kids menu is designed to keep your child’s sensitivity to taste and appearance. When you prepare these meals, encourage your child to join you. Not only will this teach them accountability but also give you quality bonding time.

Download Our Back to School Kids Menu Here

Disclaimer: This is a general menu plan and does NOT address any medical condition.

If you are looking for a personalized program for your child’s nutritional needs and medical condition, speak to our wellness consultants by calling 1800 102 0253 or writing to us at [email protected].

Our Balanced Nutrition Program for Children under You Care Wellness has wholesome, nutritious, and balanced meal plans for children between 1 and 16 years. Our meal planning analyst will create customized food plans keeping your child’s age, school timings, allergies, and other factors in mind. This online program is open to everyone across the globe.

Join our Balanced Nutrition for Children Program here

For your weekly dose of innovative, delicious, and healthy recipes, follow our holistic recipe corner here.

Don’t Force Feed Your Kids
Top 5 Immunity-Boosting Recipes for Your Kids
The Immunity Cookbook – Kids Special