His body was affected more than 95% with psoriasis.
Despite steroids and topical applications, nothing seemed to have worked.
The doctors had put their hands up.

The verdict was out.

“This is the end of your treatment. You will have to deal with this condition for the rest of your life.”

Until he came to us in January 2023.

  • Psoriasis had affected not just his physical health but also scarred him emotionally.
  • He struggled with severely low confidence, loneliness, and anxiety.
  • Avoided getting married because he felt that his skin condition would deter his chance of finding a partner.
  • Left his hometown and moved alone to another city for work.
  • Struggled with disruptive sleep patterns and emotional health which worsened his skin condition further.

From 95% Psoriasis to 5%–10% on His Entire Body: A Success Story of Hope, Determination and ActionCut to 80 days of our Skin Care Program:

  • Reduction of psoriasis patches from 95% to 5-10%
  • Increased confidence
  • Improved skin glow
  • Weight loss
  • Balanced meals without gluten or dairy
  • High energy
  • Feeling lighter
  • Better activity levels

From 95% Psoriasis to 5%–10% on His Entire Body: A Success Story of Hope, Determination and ActionOur Head Nutritionist, Sneha Shah, who worked closely with him, shares, “The driving factor behind his success is his dedication and consistency. On the days that he struggled, we mindfully coached him to get back on track.

We helped him with easy-to-cook and less time-consuming recipes that matched his schedule. Our sleep potion, the right mix of spices, coupled with techniques like Yoga Nidra helped improve his sleep.

The challenge was building up his confidence and getting him out of his anxiety and loneliness. We tried to break through this and the results speak for themselves today.”

Does this mean every day was a good day? Certainly not.

The first time he visited his hometown after starting our plan, his parents felt he needed to eat more because he was a couple of kgs down. While we suggested that he stay off gluten and dairy, his parents forced him to eat. They failed to understand why he couldn’t when these were their staple meals.

The second time when he visited home, his skin showed massive improvements. This helped his parents change their perspective overtime and support him to stick to his schedule.

“I started my journey with almost 95% psoriasis on my body. Speaking to Sneha on Day 1 gave me the first boost of confidence. Day by day, with improvement in my skin and reduction in patches, my confidence increased with the hope that I could be a normal person like any. And today I can see psoriasis reduction from 95% to 5-10% on my entire body within 80 days of the program.”

“Sneha would connect with me weekly and guide me with cleanses or food plans. All credit to her and Team Luke. A special mention to Taarika Dave for her yoga guidance and dermatologist, Dr. Akansha, who supported me in this program. I would recommend anyone who is thinking of a better and healthy lifestyle to connect with Luke’s Team,” he shares.

We handle cases of psoriasis from various parts of the world, including India, UAE, Australia, London, the US, among others.

Our remarkable success is rooted in the fundamental principles of psoriasis like:

  • Autoimmunity
  • Over-angiogenesis
  • Gut and its microbiome
  • Emotional suppression
  • Sleep patterns and recovery
  • Inflammation and lifestyle habits that trigger it
  • History of medications
  • Liver health
  • Food intolerances
  • Toxin overload, and a lot more

Psoriasis needs an inside-out approach. Our job is to put the fundamentals in place and let your body’s intelligence take over.

We help you find a way.

Our two cents

Psoriasis is a condition that more and more people seem to be suffering from nowadays. While the medical world and dermatologists have standard protocols to follow, such as steroid-based medications, along with some topical applications, which most of our patients initially use when they come to us, these options are mainly aimed at soothing itching and preventing the condition from worsening. But their effects are short-term. Once the initial relief subsides, the need to reapply the cream becomes ongoing, as the doctor often states, “It’s forever. There is no cure.”

In Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, while we respect the use of these medications and drugs, we also strive to address the root cause of your autoimmune condition.

One may wonder why the immune system would react against one’s own skin cells.

What has overridden the body’s intelligence?

We adopt a detective-like approach to piece together our fundamental understanding of immunity, autoimmunity, over-angiogenesis, inflammation, and, most importantly, the gut and its influences.

“An autoimmune protocol that neglects the gut is an incomplete protocol.”

There is a profound connection between the two, which is why in 95% of cases, we have to implement an eliminatory approach that excludes potential allergens like gluten and casein while providing support through alternative options and rebuilding the gut and its microbiome. This is because we recognize how dairy and rice often dominate most people’s diets. However, elimination is a central part of this approach.

We have observed that some patients experience inflammation and skin flare-ups when they consume gluten and dairy as if these were fueling the fire. And as soon as they are off it, inflammation subsides, and flare-ups diminish.

Psoriasis needs an inside-out approach. We not only examine your skin rashes and patches but also your gut, immune system, liver, your intolerances towards certain foods, your sleep patterns, emotional suppression, and any history of antibiotics or other heavy medications.

An aspect of psoriasis that is often overlooked is angiogenesis spiraling out of control. Angiogenesis represents our body’s ability to initiate and halt the growth of new blood vessels at the right time. Both under-angiogenesis and over-angiogenesis can lead to various imbalances in the body. For example, under-angiogenesis could cause hair loss due to insufficient nutrient supply to the scalp, such as in the case of alopecia, while over-angiogenesis could be seen in conditions like cancer or psoriasis.

All of these factors considered together with solid personalized coaching, form our approach to autoimmune cases.

Without this comprehensive and personalized approach, all you would be adopting is a superficial and temporary band-aid solution.

So many people suffer from psoriasis for years without any respite. This journey is a hope that our body heals us when we give it what it needs to run its own intelligence. We can learn how powerful beyond medicine we are if we are willing to do what it takes and believe. There are no magic diets or pills. Healing is a natural process that needs to be enabled when disabled. Use medications and drugs if you must, but never forget the power of lifestyle.

Disclaimer: While this may inspire you, please remember that each case is unique. What worked for him doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. His autoimmune condition protocol designed by us was keeping his past and current lifestyle, case, and situation in mind. If you have a medical condition or are on medications, please keep your doctor in the loop before trying anything new. Make an informed decision, always.

Need personalized guidance to treat psoriasis, vitiligo, alopecia, eczema and other autoimmune conditions by addressing their root cause?

We help you find a way.

Know more about our holistic Skin Care Program here

Set up a one-on-one consultation with our skincare specialists by writing to us at [email protected], WhatsApp here, or call 1800 102 0253