Welcome to Team Luke’s 12-Day Metabolic and Anti-Inflammatory Greenprint.

This isn’t a diet plan, but a journey to repair your metabolism, fix uncontrolled inflammation, and set the foundation for long-term health. No restrictive diets, no drastic changes. Just small and meaningful wins every day that creates a green print for a healthier YOU.

Why focus on metabolic health and inflammation? Because they are the root causes of nearly all diseases.

You can have the best diet plans, gym memberships, expensive supplements, and exotic superfoods. Still, if your lifestyle doesn’t support metabolic health and control inflammation, it’s like applying a band-aid to deeper issues.

During these 12 days, we will adopt lifestyle changes that repair our metabolic health and control inflammation.

You will follow:

  • An A.M. routine where you start your day with a cup of Team Luke’s Metabolic Drink in the morning.
  • A P.M. Routine where you have a bowl of Team Luke’s Metabolic Soup + a protein-rich side dish for at least one of the main meals (lunch or dinner) daily.

Team Luke’s Metabolic Drink works by activating brown fat, your body’s natural fat-burning tissue, reducing total body fat percentage, and giving your metabolism a boost.

Team Luke’s Metabolic Soup isn’t your everyday tomato soup. It supports your metabolic and mitochondrial health, inflammation, and wellness. Its scientifically and intentionally designed blend of powerful ingredients activates brown adipose tissue to shrink white adipose tissue and UCP1 which act like spark plugs that ignite the mitochondria in brown fat cells.

When you combine the two, your body’s five natural defense mechanisms are activated.

  • Angiogenesis
  • Immunity and Inflammation
  • Stem Cell Regeneration
  • Gut Microbiome
  • DNA Protection and Repair

You may wonder:

  • What is the science behind these?
  • How to make these recipes?
  • What protein options to add?
  • What meal flow to follow?
  • What are some dos and don’ts?
  • What other lifestyle changes can you make to support your metabolic health on this challenge?

Stay rest assured.

From calorie-counted recipes with macro calculations to meditations, yoga asanas, pranayama, emotional health exercises, and lifestyle hacks, we have designed a detailed FREE PDF that will give you all the information you need.

Download the 12-Day Metabolic and Anti-Inflammatory Greenprint Here.


We will begin the journey challenge on 16th January, 2025.

What makes this journey more exciting?

Luke himself and Team Luke will be doing it along with all of YOU!

Along with the guide, you will also receive a link to join Luke’s Exclusive Telegram GroupThe 12-Day Metabolic & Anti-Inflammatory Greenprint – Support Group.

Join the group here

In this group, Luke will regularly post:

  • His own updates while following the challenge and being on the journey himself with all of you.
  • Check-ins for all of you – to keep you accountable.

Tips to maximize the benefits from this journey.
And so much more.

By the end of the 12 days, you can expect improved energy, better digestion, and a stronger metabolism. All you need is time, discipline, and consistency. If you are consistent, this challenge may also result in fat loss and a leaner you.

Make these 12 days count. Keep winning!

If you miss a day or find yourself off-track, extend the challenge by one to two extra days to make up for it.

Share your progress and success stories with us by writing to us at [email protected].

Keep winning,
Team Luke


  • This challenge cannot replace medical advice or treatment for any medical condition. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are on medication.
  • If you have allergies or sensitivities to specific ingredients, please avoid them and consider alternatives. Your health and safety are our priority—make informed decisions that align with your needs.

Looking for personalized guidance to manage your conditions? We help you find a way.

Know more about our holistic Luke Coutinho Signature Programs here.

Book a one-on-one consult with our integrative experts here


Team Luke

Our team of registered dietitians, certified nutritionists, lifestyle coaches, medical practitioners, and holistic health experts come together to share practical, accessible insights for your well-being. Whether you're seeking tips on preventive health, managing a specific condition, or simply looking to live a more balanced life, you’ll find a wealth of easy-to-apply knowledge here.

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Feeling inspired to take the next step in your wellness journey? Connect with us to explore how our tailored programs can support your health journey. Your transformation is just a conversation away.