Whether it is while consulting patients, interacting with our You Care community (Join us here), or addressing audiences at corporate talks and events, one of the most common questions that we get asked is: Is milk good or bad for me? Should I give my child milk? I have cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Should I give up dairy? And so we decided to address this, bust some myths, and drop some truth bombs.

What you read next is not intended to induce fear in you. Remember, millions of people consume milk and are perfectly healthy. Yet, for many others suffering from health and lifestyle conditions eliminating milk and dairy from their diet has helped them heal better.
Our ancestors drank raw milk straight from the cow and lived without any health problems. So what changed? Countless studies show that it is one of the most powerful foods on the planet. But what has gone wrong? Why are people intolerant to milk today? Let us find out.
The simple answer is quality. There has been a steady deterioration in the quality of milk and the health of animals that produce it due to the greed and corruption of food lobbies. So, you must become aware because only then can you choose whether or not dairy is the right fit for you.
Raw milk is good for you, pasteurized milk is not
In nutritional studies too, raw milk is considered the best source of class A protein. It is loaded with amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals and is whole food by itself. On the other hand, pasteurization kills and denatures two of its amino acids – lysine and tyrosine. All you are drinking is a glass of white milk that claims to be clean and hygienic but has zero benefits.
Pasteurization also denatures live digestive enzymes and proteins, destroys vitamin C, and makes calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium insoluble in the human body. It kills the good bacteria and renders the milk useless.
The truth behind pasteurized and homogenized milk
Raw milk starts souring within four to five days. Even when it sours, it is healthier because of the probiotics and lactoferrin that naturally develop in it. Here is a test. Find your tetra pack of milk and check the shelf life. Does it say three months, four months, sometimes even six months?

Pasteurization and homogenization were started to improve the shelf life of milk. Why? So that food companies and lobbies could profit from it. If milk is going to sour in three days, there would be no profit in it keeping them at your supermarket. We were brainwashed to believe these were meant to give us clean and hygienic milk.
In the olden days, when milking a cow the warmth of your hands around the udder stimulated natural production. But today, this process has become mechanical. Cold metal pipes fit around the udder and stimulate the cows to produce milk with low-voltage electric shocks. The steel pipes can cause abrasions and in turn, cause pus to fall from the udder into your milk. This can cause serious diseases. So you may ask, how do they avoid it from reaching the consumer? With homogenization where this milk is churned at a very high speed and temperature to kill the bacteria.
Is processed milk making you acidic and fat?
Did you know that homogenization and pasteurization also make the milk acidic? Your body starts leaching calcium from bones to neutralize it. It can lead to pain and inflammation in joints and conditions like arthritis and low birth weight because your protein is denatured and not in an absorbable state.
Homogenization also breaks down all the macro fat globules into smaller fat molecules and in the process causes good fat in the milk to turn to bad fat. It is why the consumption of this milk can also lead to an accumulation of abdominal fat for many people.
Why are so many people struggling to digest milk today?

When you consume raw milk, its digestive enzymes break down lactose into a soluble form that your body can absorb. On the other hand, pasteurization and homogenization kill these digestive enzymes. So now your body struggles to break down and digest lactose. In our experience, we have tested how many people with lactose intolerance can tolerate raw milk but not processed milk.
One commonality that we have observed among people who cannot consume milk (unless they are born lactose intolerant) is that they have diets devoid of raw enzymes from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. When you have a body deficient in enzymes and then add processed milk with no enzymes, you cannot break down lactose. It can also cause lactose intolerance. You start blaming the milk (which is okay), but you never really change your lifestyle. So, ensure that your body gets digestive enzymes from raw foods.
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What feeds the cow feeds you

About 50 years ago, a regular cow could produce 20,000 pounds of milk annually. Today a cow can produce 50,000 pounds of milk in a year. How is this possible? The answer is in what they are feeding the cows.
Cattle are fattened with corn and soy and injected with vaccines and broad-spectrum antibiotics to keep them disease-free. Another jarring practice is injecting them with estrogen and bovine growth hormone to increase milk production. Look for bovine growth hormones in your internet search. You will be stunned at studies that link it to most tumors and cancers.
Let’s talk about broad-spectrum antibiotics. These are powerful. While they kill bad bacteria, pathogens, and germs, they also wipe out good bacteria. So now you have unhealthy cows giving you milk that you think is rich in nutrition. When we consume milk from these cows, we see a rise in girls reaching early puberty, hormonal issues (PCOS, ER+ve cancers), obesity, antibiotic resistance, and diabetes, among other health conditions. Think about it. America and India are the highest consumers of milk. Yet, we have the highest numbers of people with osteoporosis in these countries.
Is yogurt better than milk?

There’s a big difference between yogurt and milk. When milk is fermented, it changes its molecular structure and becomes easily digestible. The fermentation process generates lactoferrin which is a great probiotic. Even thin buttermilk is a great alternative, provided it is cultured at home and of good quality. So you will notice many lactose-intolerant people can have yogurt or buttermilk (chaas). Try to ethically source A2 milk source of milk and make your yogurt at home. Learn how to make a powerful homemade probiotic here.
If you still want to give up dairy but are hesitating thinking it will affect your health, know that many people are born lactose intolerant. Yet, they are in good health because they eat meals rich in calcium from other sources.
Who should avoid milk?
In the old days, when children had colic, the general homemade remedy was to put a little bit of castor oil and asafoetida (hing) in the belly button. But today, milk is the number one cause of chronic colic cases in most children. So eliminating milk and dairy here can help.
Dairy might not be the best food for you if you are struggling to lose weight, dealing with arthritis (or any inflammatory conditions), leukemia, cancers, cardiovascular problems, IBS, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, asthma, and sinus or excess mucus buildup. Consuming milk or dairy can cause inflammation and irritate the gut linings. It also contains insulin-like growth factors that can worsen a case of diabetes, obesity, and cancer. You may want to eliminate it.
ALSO READ: Tips For Starting A Gluten-Free And Dairy-Free Diet
If not processed milk, then what?
You can opt for substitutes like almond milk, rice milk, hemp milk, cashew milk, and even coconut milk. But these do not have the same quality of protein as raw milk. So, don’t let milk be your primary source of protein and calcium. Try to get them from natural food sources. The answer is following a rainbow balanced meal. As for calcium, some rich sources include sesame seeds, poppy seeds or khus khus, lentils, beans, black-eyed peas, white beans, green leafy vegetables, amaranth, figs, almonds, walnut, carrots, broccoli, sweet potato, oranges, among others.
Source raw, pure, and organic cow milk from a trusted source that feeds cows fresh green grass, is free from any antibiotics or hormones, and milking practices are ethical, safe, and hygienic practices. Consume this good quality milk if it suits you and your lifestyle. If you have a health condition that is aggravated by milk, avoid it.
The bitter truth continues to be that we live in a world where food lobbies are more powerful than the governments of various countries. These food lobbies are spending billions of dollars to make you believe that you should consume processed milk and its beverages. Do not live in fear or confusion. This is just to empower you with the right knowledge. Does it mean you start following extremes like going off dairy in everything you eat? No. Some milk in your tea or dessert doesn’t hurt, but consuming processed milk excessively and relying on it as your only source of calcium and protein when you know its quality is questionable is the problem. So, always make an informed choice.
Luke Coutinho
Luke Coutinho practices in the field of Holistic Nutrition and Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine. He is the pioneer and founder of the You Care Wellness Program which has consulted and treated over 20,000 patients globally. This integrative lifestyle program revolves around five fundamental pillars - Cellular Nutrition, Adequate Exercise, Quality Sleep, Emotional Detox, and the Spirit. It has now stemmed into a beautiful community with over a million people. His free videos, blogs, challenges, and programs have helped people reverse lifestyle conditions, put cancers into remission, and overcome suicidal tendencies to live happier lives. Luke has authored four bestsellers and won several national and international awards. He is the Champion for Lifestyle and Wellness for PM Narendra Modi’s Fit India Movement. He is the founder of India's first ethical wellness platform, You Care Lifestyle, where all things are verified by Luke and his team. He is also the founder and chief program mentor for Integrative Nutrition and Dietetics courses at the Lifeness Science Institute (LSI). He travels the world to speak on holistic wellness and empower people to live their most extraordinary life.
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Thank you Luke for for good information on milk we have Indian desi cows , we love them we pamper them and wetake out milk with hands and make dahi in morning and consume it with in two hours from its setting time and take out makhan too . but never used have milk . But after reading your article I will definitely start drinking milk
Amazing. There is joy in simplicity. Let me know how it worked for you. Keep winning 🙂
Thank you
Most welcome 🙂