Think about it: Do you remind your heart to beat, your eyes to blink, or your liver to work? When you eat, do you instruct your body to extract essential nutrients from your food?
No, you don’t!
It’s the body’s innate intelligence within you that handles these processes.
So, how do we tap into this incredible internal wisdom? While there are countless complicated methods and supplements in the market, this blog is about the simplest way out, using the power of breath!
But first, let’s address the modern dilemma and erase the excess!
We live in a world of excess — excess food, excess exposure, excess everything. From social media feeds to news updates, our minds are continuously processing data. And, this overload of content can lead to stress, anxiety, and a feeling of being overwhelmed.
But the real challenge isn’t the lack of information; it’s our behavior. It’s not about the lack of information; it’s about how we apply that information to our lives.
Behavior is a critical factor in determining an individual’s health and well-being. Our actions, habits, and choices play a substantial role in our overall health.
With a variety of self-help books, videos, and expert advice, what truly matters is our ability to harness the intelligence within us.
The Intelligence Within
The human body is an incredible, self-regulating healing machine. It operates without our constant conscious control. Think about the automatic processes that keep us alive – our heart beats, our lungs breathe, and our cells perform countless functions, all without our conscious effort.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief, has explained that our body is controlled by the subconscious mind. This innate intelligence manages trillions of processes in our body to maintain homeostasis, the state of balance necessary for health.
Tap into your subconscious potential and take charge of your life!
The key to better health and well-being lies in our ability to tap into this internal intelligence. When we can harness this innate wisdom, our bodies work for us. However, when chaos and stress prevail, our bodies work against us.
So, what do we do?
Have Faith in Your Own Body
One often overlooked aspect of well-being is faith in one’s own body. While faith in a higher power or the universe is significant for many, what about faith in the remarkable intelligence that resides within us?
Many researchers and experts have emphasized the importance of belief in our body’s ability to heal itself. By starting from the inside out and placing faith in your body’s intelligence, you can set the stage for remarkable changes in your health and well-being.
Know how your belief system can be the major healing drug.
The Power of Breath: Science and Practice
One of the most accessible and effective ways to tap into your body’s intelligence is through the power of breath.
Our breath is a fundamental and often overlooked tool for improving our well-being. You don’t need to master complex breathing techniques to harness the power of breath; you can start with something as basic as controlling your breath.
Slow Down your Breathing
Your breath is not just air going in and out of your lungs; it’s a life force known as prana.
Without breath, we cannot survive for more than a few minutes. Slowing down your breath and extending your exhalation is like sending a reassuring signal to your body, telling it that you are safe and in a state of equilibrium. This message helps your body shift into a state of relaxation.
Try this: Inhale slowly for a few seconds, and then exhale even more slowly for twice as long. This simple act has a profound impact on your body.
A Miracle Breathing Technique You Can’t Afford To Miss
Breath and Stress Management
The sympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the ‘fight or flight’ system, is triggered when we are stressed. In today’s high-stress environment, it’s common for people to remain in a constant state of sympathetic arousal, leading to a range of health problems.
However, by slowing down your breathing, you can shift your body from the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for fight or flight responses, to the parasympathetic nervous system, where your body can rest, digest, regenerate, and repair itself.
Slowing down your breath stimulates your vagus nerve – a beautiful piece of anatomy that can protect you, prevent the onset of disease, and aid healing and recovery.
Know more about the vagus nerve and ways to stimulate it.
Responding, Not Reacting
One of the remarkable benefits of tapping into the power of breath through controlled breathing is the ability to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively.
By slowing down your breath after a stressful event, you create a space between the stimulus and your response.
Research shows that mindfulness techniques, such as controlled breathing, can improve emotional regulation and increase the ability to respond mindfully to challenging situations.
The Mind-Blowing Breathing Technique That Thousands Swear By
The more you practice this, you set an environment of healing in your body!
While it may not be a magical cure for diseases, controlling your breathing significantly improves your body’s ability to heal itself.
Now, your external environment can have a substantial impact on your internal environment. As people and circumstances around you create stress and chaos, your body responds in kind.
The suffering we experience in life is often a result of the way we think about external events. Human suffering grows only because of the way we think about things.
So, what’s the action you’re going to take?
Practice the power of breath.
Slow inhale, slow exhale. Slow inhale, slower exhale.
The more you practice, the better it becomes.
The Bottom Line
The point is to understand wherever you are in the world right now, you have the power. No matter how busy your life is, you have the power to control your breath.
The power of breath is a simple yet profound tool for achieving balance, managing stress, and improving your health and overall well-being.
So, the next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, remember to slow down your breath and take charge of your life!
- Jane Ogden, The Psychology of Health and Illness.
- Sarah Novotny and Len Kravitz, Ph.D., The Science of Breathing.
Take the Next Step: Book a Consult with Our Yoga Experts
If you’re eager to explore the transformative potential of breath control further, consider booking a consultation with our experienced yoga experts.
They can guide you through personalized techniques, helping you harness the full power of breath for a healthier, more balanced life.
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