One Powerful Way to Attract Success with the Power of the Mind
Vitamins are essential for human health and immunity. A deficiency in even a single vitamin can cause numerous problems in both body and mind. However, an excess of vitamins can be just as harmful, leading to vitamin toxicity. Like most things in life, moderation is key when it comes to vitamins.
But in this blog, I’m not talking about the vitamins that come from food, seeds, or supplements. This one is different. It’s called Vitamin “V,” and it comes from deep within your subconscious. I’m referring to the power of visualization.
This powerful vitamin—Visualization—has the ability to train your subconscious mind the moment you sit down to practice it. Each one of us has the capacity to tell our subconscious how we want our life, weight, body, career, or even our disease to transform. We don’t need to rely on what others around us believe. Just because the majority might think that stage 4 cancer is the end, it doesn’t mean it has to be. We’ve all heard of people who, despite stage 4 cancer, are still living, some even thriving. Similarly, many believe that Type 2 diabetes is irreversible, but we know that people have successfully reversed it completely.
When we condition our minds—especially our subconscious—with rigid, limiting beliefs, we cap our potential for healing and growth.
Have you ever had someone tell you, “You’re not cut out to be a manager” or “You don’t have what it takes to lead”? And did you believe them? If so, that’s where you stopped progressing, because someone planted that limiting thought in your subconscious. But remember, that was just one person’s opinion, and they could be wrong. Decide to rise above what you hear, and you’ll notice that many of the people once deemed failures are now some of the most successful individuals in the world. Our most self-limiting beliefs come from within us—it’s what our subconscious chooses to believe.
In my practice, I encourage patients to visualize their goals and review their progress after a week or a month. While many succeed, some give up or don’t even start.
Why? There are two main reasons:
Fear of failure and the disappointment that follows.
As humans, we fear disappointment and failure. If I asked you to visualize losing weight or achieving your dream body, you might give up because of limiting beliefs like, “What if it doesn’t happen?” The fear of disappointment is real. But remember, disappointment is part of life. Each of us will face it at some point. Instead of avoiding it, we should rise above it, accept it, and not be afraid of the outcome. If things don’t turn out the way you want, accept that they weren’t meant for you. Reflect on your past—think about all the things you once wanted but didn’t get. More often than not, you’ll feel grateful that those events didn’t occur. Sometimes life protects us in its own way, withholding what we think we need for reasons we can’t yet understand. But that shouldn’t stop us from visualizing.
Feeling undeserving.
The second mistake people make when visualizing is doing so while doubting their worthiness. For example, if I asked someone to visualize wealth or healing from cancer, they might do it while questioning whether they truly deserve it. Who decides if you’re deserving? As long as you have the right intention and put in the necessary effort, you are deserving. It’s as simple as that. Feeling undeserving acts like an auto-suggestion. For instance, before bedtime, quietly tell yourself the exact time you want to wake up the next morning. More often than not, if you do it with conviction, you’ll wake up at that exact time. So if something as simple as that works, imagine what you can achieve with the power of your subconscious mind.
Now, I know some people might ask, “Where’s the science behind this?” My answer is simple: do it if you believe in it. It’s your choice, and no one can force you. But ask yourself—what’s stopping you from trying something as simple as visualization when everything around you feels like it’s falling apart?
If you’re dealing with cancer right now, you have the power to form a mental picture of how you want to live your life six months or a year from now, free from disease. Visualize yourself on a vacation with your loved ones or doing something you truly enjoy. See that picture so clearly in your mind that you start believing it’s going to happen.
The big takeaway
Visualization isn’t about wanting a hundred thousand dollars. It’s about feeling what it would be like when that hundred thousand dollars enters your life. Visualize how you’d spend it, how the joy would light up your face. That’s the depth of visualization—it’s limitless. Once it’s rooted in your subconscious, things will start to shift. If it can be created in your mind, it can become your reality. The simplest proof of this is the placebo effect—something well-known in the medical field and documented in literature.
The placebo effect is astounding. Imagine a heroin addict coming to a hospital for a fix. When weaning someone off heroin, it’s life-threatening to stop the drug abruptly due to severe withdrawal symptoms. The doctors, unable to administer the drug for ethical reasons, might inject the addict with saline, pretending it’s heroin. The addict, believing it’s the real thing, feels immediate relief. That’s the power of the mind—the power of placebo. Yet, as human beings, we often arrogantly dismiss this power.
Start using Vitamin V today, and every day. Teach it to your children—whether they want to win a race or ace an exam. Help them build a mental picture in their subconscious mind. I promise, you’ll witness positive changes in your life. While I can’t guarantee you’ll get $500,000, I can guarantee that you’ll experience a shift in your health, mindset, and well-being. Fear, doubt, and insecurity are the most self-limiting factors to our progress in life. Let go of them, and you’ll see the power of visualization at work.
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