Here is a truth bomb for you. There is nothing wrong with coffee or tea. It has been a beverage of choice for centuries. The problem is not having it the right way and at the right time or chugging cup after cup. Do you tend to wake up and have coffee on an empty stomach? Think before you do that! Use Vitamin C – Common sense.

Why would you put something acidic and a stimulant in an empty clean system? From acidity to destroying the stomach lining and creating gut issues, many of your gut issues are connected to your seemingly harmless habit of overdoing coffee, doing it empty stomach, or having poor-quality beverages.

Don’t make tea or coffee the enemy. Tea and coffee made with the right quality ingredients, consumed in the right quantity and brewed the right way are great for you.

coffee tea bad myth fact
Representational image. Photo Credit: Freepik/8photo

Story Time: The Legends behind Tea and Coffee

According to legend, coffee was discovered in the Ethiopian plateau by a goat herder. The story goes that the herder noticed his goats became unusually energetic after eating berries from a certain tree. Intrigued, the herder tried the berries himself and experienced a newfound alertness. The discovery was then taken to a monastery, where monks used the berries to create a beverage. This concoction helped them stay awake and alert during long hours of evening prayers. Over time, this berry drink evolved into what we now know as coffee, becoming a globally beloved beverage.

The discovery of tea is also steeped in legend, originating in ancient China. According to one popular legend, Emperor Shen Nong, a renowned herbalist and ruler in ancient China around 2737 BCE, discovered tea by accident. As the story goes, while boiling water in his garden, a few tea leaves from a nearby Camellia sinensis plant fell into his pot. Intrigued by the aroma and taste of the infused water, he decided to explore the properties of this new beverage. Emperor Shen Nong, known for his interest in medicinal plants, found that tea had refreshing and invigorating effects. He began to promote its consumption for its health benefits, and thus, tea became an integral part of Chinese culture.

Want to make your tea or coffee healthier? Make these five lifestyle changes instead.

#1 Switch to a Superior Quality

Opt for:

  • Quality loose whole tea leaves over tea dust or tea powder
  • Organic freshly ground coffee over instant coffee
  • Does it feel like an expensive affair? You get what you pay for!
    Shop for them here.

# 2 Milk – To Use Or Not?

If milk suits you, switch to ethically sourced A2 milk, free of hormones and antibiotics. If milk doesn’t suit you, switch to black tea or black coffee.

#3 No Icky Ingredients

Don’t add artificial creamers or sweeteners. Switch to real milk/cream and use natural sweeteners like chemical-free jaggery/stevia or drink it as it is.

#4 Add More Health To Your Cuppa

Add spices/herbs, depending on what suits you, like:

  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Cardamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Fennel seeds
  • Saffron
  • Ginger

Shop for these spices here.

#5 Quantity Matters

Two cups of tea/coffee is okay unless you have been advised differently. Having four to five cups in a day is a habit you need to slowly break. Tea or coffee is medicinal, but less is more.

Some of the healthiest and happiest people I work with enjoy their coffee and tea but the right way. Keep it simple and real.

What are your tea or coffee habits like? Share in the comments.

Disclaimer: Always consult your doctor before adding new to your lifestyle, especially if you have a medical ailment or are undergoing any medications. Make an informed choice, always. 

Want to try making a caffeine-free coffee at home? Try this recipe for Chickpea Coffee.

Looking for holistic and integrative guidance for better nutritional and lifestyle choices? We help you find a way.

Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team by reaching out to us at 1800 102 0253 or writing to us at [email protected].
