Priscilla’s journey of choosing hope over fear in the face of cancer. 2 years later, her reports continue to be clear.
“Just like flowers do not bloom without some rain, this journey has not been all strength and courage but full of questions, doubts, and challenges. It took me a long time to accept my fate after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Not knowing where my life was headed was terrifying. I spent my nights worrying about how my family would adapt and, most importantly, how I would get through this difficult journey. My mother is a breast cancer survivor, and although I knew the journey would be tough, it would not be impossible,” shares Priscilla Rodrigues, 56, Florist, Mother of 2, Mumbai.
Right after acceptance came a tough choice for Priscilla. The decision of undergoing mastectomy or not
“Everyone around me gave me the advice to go for it, but the feeling of having a part of you removed and having to look at yourself in the mirror every day was all that went through my head. But after various doctors suggested it was the only option, I did it.”
Navigating chemotherapy
“Recovering was a totally different experience. I assumed that was the end of it until my doctor informed me that I would need to undergo six chemotherapy sessions. I did not take this news the best way, but deep down I knew I had to get it done. That’s when I decided to join Luke Coutinho’s Cancer Program.”
What was our approach?
- Following our anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenesis protocol
- Training her immunity
- Minimizing side effects and damage from chemotherapy
- Enhancing DNA repair
- Addressing chronic constipation to prevent backing up estrogen
- Activating cleansing mechanisms
- Engaging in regular movement and exercise
- Prioritizing deep sleep
- Managing deep-rooted emotions
- Exploring smart fasting strategiesCultivating spirit, hope, and happiness
- Aligning with nature
- Building metabolic health
- And more…
A light in times of darkness
“The program not only helped me gain strength and confidence but also kept my nutrition and lifestyle in check. Chemotherapy was made easier. The team assisted me in preparing for the session and reducing its adverse side effects. This journey, although very tough, was made positive through this program. Thank you for assigning Heta as my nutritionist. She was wonderful, supportive, and as active as an earth angel guiding me through every step.”
Word of admiration from her Senior Nutrition and Lifestyle Expert, Team Luke, Heta Kothari
“She was extremely disciplined, consistent, and wholeheartedly accepted every recommendation without a fuss. She trusted the process and never questioned her healing journey. She has now taken up a teacher’s training program in Yoga. Her dream is to be a Yoga teacher for children with special needs.”

Finding hope again and paying it forward
“I completed all my sessions and recovered from all my setbacks. I only have a positive outlook on how my life will progress. My doctors recommended I have a check-up every 3 months, which is like a hurdle race. I am all set to cross these with a positive attitude and smile. A huge thank you to Team Luke for being with me throughout this journey. I have engraved Luke’s famous slogan in my mind – YOU CARE.
Team Luke, you have inspired me to do something in life. In the future, I plan to start my own foundation where I wish to cater nutritious food to kids with cancer. Words cannot express my gratitude. You were right beside me every step of the way. You truly have made a difference in my life. Thank you for helping me put myself back together mentally and emotionally and streamlining my nutrition and lifestyle. I am grateful to God for this new life and His grace.”

Our 2 cents
Cancer is a multifactorial disease and requires a multifactorial approach. And while you treat the disease and its symptoms, it’s always good to look at the person as a whole.
Beyond the disease, every person comes with emotions, a unique set of DNA, and cellular metabolism. It is why our approach to cancer revolves around our pillars:
- Angiogenesis/antiangiogenesis
- DNA repair
- Immunity
- Inflammation
- Stem cell regeneration
- Along with this, we also look at emotional wellness, exercise, nutrition, and sleep.
Gone are the days when we believed that only smoking and pesticides were the sole culprits. While these factors certainly play a role, it’s crucial to reflect on the fact that we all breathe the same air, consume similar foods, and share the same environment.
So, why does cancer hit only some and not everyone?
Today, even medical experts acknowledge that a mere 3-4% of cancers have a genetic origin, while the remaining 96-97% are linked to our lifestyle choices. First off, cancer can only evade our body when there is a breakdown in our immune system. This means rebuilding our immune system for whatever reason it might have been compromised becomes our first line of action, besides what your doctor suggests. And even if genetics are involved, your lifestyle can influence genes and turn off harmful ones and activate good ones.
What does this revelation bring to the table? Empowerment and hope. It means that you have more control over your cancer journey than you might think.
While your doctors may prescribe chemotherapy, drugs, radiation, hormonal therapy, or surgery tailored to your specific cancer type and stage, your role and responsibility extend to supporting the treatment by making changes to your lifestyle. This is precisely where Lifestyle Medicine comes into play.
Your lifestyle can not only increase the effectiveness of your treatment but can also minimize the side effects. The success we have seen in using Lifestyle Medicine for cancer covers aspects that medicine may not cover, so we align this with the treatment:
- Tailoring your nutrition to your specific cancer type
- Regular movement and exercise
- Deep sleep for better recovery
- Releasing suppressed emotions
- Exploring smart fasting
- Cultivating a sense of spirit, hope, and happiness
- Creating a supportive external environment
- Aligning with nature
- Activating your body’s natural cleansing mechanisms
- Building metabolic health
- Addressing the side effects of your treatments
- Nurturing a strong belief system
While this may seem like a lot to take on, it is a necessary and holistic approach that remains largely consistent across different types of cancer.
The core principles of addressing cancer, including anti-angiogenesis, enhancing immunity, managing inflammation, DNA repair, stimulating stem cell regeneration, and promoting a healthy gut microbiome, serve as the foundation for all cancer treatment protocols.
Moving from treatment to recovery is difficult without getting these fundamentals in place; otherwise, we are just following a symptomatic approach, and that is why cancers keep coming back, and they never truly go into remission.
While not all cancer may be able to go into remission, its progression can at least be controlled, halted, or slowed down, and the quality of life can be improved.
Conventional treatment and dietary advice only scratches the surface. If simply searching for the “top foods for cancer” were sufficient, cancer statistics would look far more promising. Unfortunately, the reality is different. It’s time we think and operate outside of the box, fix the fundamentals, and integrate the best approaches that work in patients’ favor.
Your source of hope in the face of cancer should not be solely based on internet searches or news reports. True inspiration comes from the stories of individuals who have achieved remission and are living their 5th, 6th, 7th, or even 15th year beyond their cancer diagnosis. It’s a transition from despair to hope, knowing that a significant portion of your journey is within your control.
Disclaimer: While this may inspire you, please remember that each case is unique. What worked for her doesn’t necessarily have to work for you. Her protocol was designed by keeping her past and current lifestyle, case, and situation in mind. If you have a medical condition or are on medications, please keep your doctor in the loop before trying anything new. Make an informed decision, always.
In need of personalized care no matter what stage your cancer is at? We help you find a way.
Know more about our holistic Cancer Programs here.
Set up a one-on-one consultation with our integrative team of experts. Get in touch with us by writing to [email protected], on WhatsApp, or call 1800 102 0253.
Team Luke
Our team of registered dietitians, certified nutritionists, lifestyle coaches, medical practitioners, and holistic health experts come together to share practical, accessible insights for your well-being. Whether you're seeking tips on preventive health, managing a specific condition, or simply looking to live a more balanced life, you’ll find a wealth of easy-to-apply knowledge here.
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