You may know all about vitamins and minerals good for your body — from A to Zinc. But do you know about the vitamin that possesses the power to transform your complete outlook on life?
Vitamin M. Never heard of it? It stands for Mindfulness.
With more than 9,000 hours of consulting over the last seven years with people from across the globe with cases ranging from cancer, diabetes, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, ADHD, and other rare conditions, there is one thing that we have learned. Over and above the importance of Balanced Nutrition, Adequate Exercise, Quality Sleep, Emotional Wellness, and Medicine, it is the art of cultivating mindfulness.
Only when we emulate the goodness of this practice in our daily lives do we learn to make the right decisions for our health. And we do so from a place of calm and understanding. When we are mindful, we choose to eat better, sleep better, work out, meditate, and rest when our bodies need a break.
Remember, we can follow the best diet plans or programs around the world. But mindfulness is that special ingredient that allows us to grow and bloom in all aspects of human life, right from our health, relationships, personal growth, business, career, and so much more.
The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. Allow me to contextualize it for you. Mindfulness is a superpower you already possess. All you need to learn is — pause, take a step back and channelize it.
Mindfulness doesn’t necessarily mean isolating yourself in a room, chanting affirmations, or meditating for hours. It simply refers to a state where you focus on the present and become fully aware of where you are and what you are doing.
Mindfulness teaches you to be present in the moment. Photo Credits: Unsplash
What is beautiful is that it can be practiced anywhere, at any time, and by anybody. You can practice it while opening the door, picking your cup of tea, listening to music, taking a walk, or even waiting in a queue at a grocery store.
Can Mindfulness Transform the Way You Are Living?
Yes, it absolutely can. Team Luke has led close to 1,500+ participants to embark on this mindfulness journey. And that number is only rising. We are at the cusp of making this a global movement and you can be a part of this journey.
Risha, who joined our FREE 29 days of Mindfulness Journey with Team Luke, shares, “Luke, you have inspired me to take care of myself better every day for the past three years. Being a part of this group helped me be more present in all that I do. While some exercises were really easy, others were not. They helped me face the worst at times. But also uplifted my sense of self, something I had forgotten to do for a while.”
And she isn’t the only one. The impact of consistently practicing these simple exercises has changed people’s outlook on life. Take, for example, Hrushad.
He shares that the program impacted him in more ways than he realized. “Yesterday, I had a meeting with my business partners in the US. They told me that I exuded an aura of calmness. It made me think, why? The answer was simple. Your morning mindfulness exercise has become an integral part of my life. Now I look at everything with fresh new eyes. The grass looks greener, the sunshine feels warmer, and the people around me feel more human. But above all — I am much more accepting of myself. How this was possible in 30 days, I don’t know. But I keep going back to your videos every time I lose my inner being.” he says.
What Is the 29-Day Mindfulness Journey With Team Luke All About?
All our goals — whether personal growth, relationships, career, or health, require motivation. But the question we need to ask ourselves is — Is motivation enough? You cannot watch 20 motivational videos a day and go back to toxic behavior patterns and poor lifestyle choices.
Thanks to the thousands of people we have coached through this mindfulness journey, we can confirm that the key to bridging the gap between motivation and action is — Vitamin M.
Living with awareness in everything you do, no matter how small or big the task at hand is, can be a gamechanger in helping you achieve your goals.
Most of us talk, read about, and try to practice mindfulness. But the truth is, very few of us really put in the effort to apply it to our daily lives. For instance, we practice our breathing techniques diligently during morning yoga. But how many of us let the essence of yoga slip effortlessly into the rest of the day?
Let us ask you. How many of you remember the taste of the sip of tea you took yesterday or the meal you ate? Do you remember how that last hug from your loved one felt? No, right?
It is because we are moving very fast, on autopilot. In the process, we miss out on the little things that have the greatest impact. Without mindfulness, we are just reacting to everything around us — people, events, work, and emotions. The resulting stress from these is the root cause of every single disease. With mindfulness, we train our minds to focus on and appreciate the things around us.
Our 29-day mindfulness journey will create a path to help you become a more peaceful and greater version of yourself.
Why Should You Participate?
Do you have clear goals but lack the focus to achieve them? Are you constantly struggling with other people’s opinions or seeking validation? Do you find it difficult to appreciate yourself or your little blessings? Is your tendency to immediately react or judge affecting your relationships? Then this challenge is for you.
Everyday mindfulness will move your approach from ‘reacting or getting overwhelmed’ to situations to understanding them and taking necessary action. It will allow you to remain calm in any circumstance, thereby making daily living more enjoyable and less stressful. Mindfulness helps you get in touch with yourself, decode your emotions, and invest in the present moment. It teaches you to not let your past shackle you or anxiety about the future affect you.
Our lack of mindfulness today is also because all of us today are so connected outwards, that we miss out on connecting with ourselves inwards. It is common for us to browse the internet to seek validation for the smallest decisions we make. How we feel, dress, eat or live, is influenced by the world around us.
Our 29-day mindfulness journey uses simple everyday exercises to cultivate this missing internal connection. It will teach you to engage with kindness, not only to those around you but to yourself too.
By the end of this journey, you will automatically find yourself questioning your approach while speaking with someone. “Are you hearing to react or really listening?” It will teach you to assess your body sensations and reactions. “How is this conversation making me feel? Am I trying to understand what this person is trying to convey?”
Believe us when we say — it will change how you communicate.
“Never in my life had I been so attentive to such beautiful details of everyday life like the beauty of the sunrise, simplicity of breaths, and the importance of taking every breath with utmost gratitude. Every activity filled me with a lot of positivity and a deep sense of gratitude. By the end of the program, I have become wiser, happier, disciplined, and meditative. I no longer feel jealous, low, or unhealthy.”
– Preeti
What Can You Expect to Learn?
You will learn that mindfulness doesn’t come in one form. It is a continuous process.
From listening to the sounds around you, focusing your breath, walking barefoot, feeling the cool breeze, to even having a good cry — it could manifest itself in different ways.
Any mundane activity can be done mindfully. You only need to add a pinch of mindfulness to mindless actions.
Also, you will learn that mindfulness is as much about acceptance and letting go as it is about self-restraint. It can help you go with the flow and accept things that are out of your control. It will also help you deal with your addiction to instant gratification, which robs you of mindfulness.
Another powerful technique that mindfulness could also help you achieve is visualization. The ultimate tool to create a blueprint of your life and health, to dream without limits, offer gratitude, and cultivate patience.
“Thank you, Luke, for our daily dose of positivity and for reminding us that the biggest pillar of our good health is our mind. You helped us connect with it without distractions and become grounded. We learned to trust that our body is a supercomputer and our greatest gift. You have distilled the practices into short easy exercises that we can do anywhere. My utmost gratitude to you and the group for inspiring me to start this journey towards a great and healthy life.”
All you need is
- Time
- Practice
- Dedication
- Unplanned pauses
- Self-restraint
- An open mind
- Trust in the process
Click Here to Sign Up for This FREE Journey Today
You will also realize that once you start living with mindfulness you will no longer feel the need to read five self-help books and still struggle with feeling inadequate. You can read one, take five top learnings and customize them to suit your goals.
Before we sign off, we ought to share a cookie for thought with you. Especially in these unprecedented times, as we continue to reel under the pressure of an ongoing pandemic.
No amount of material wealth can make us happy. And so we are learning to be happy in our own little worlds by focussing on the simple joys and pleasures of life. A post-COVID world undoubtedly sounds delightful. But sometimes we fear that it may be a sad world when lockdown ends. People will go back to chasing material happiness yet again.
We can only tell you this. Keep simplicity in your heart and live mindfully. Because it truly is the only way forward.
Team Luke
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Feeling inspired to take the next step in your wellness journey? Connect with us to explore how our tailored programs can support your health journey. Your transformation is just a conversation away.